Terrence Sanchez


I beat the AI, he was soooooooooooooooooo easy.

Being distacted

For the whole day I was


I Today in CS class I was working on my essay which I was able to finsh

Factorio day 3

Today me and my other teammates made a lot of stuff like pipes to get steam. We also made things like more burner drills get more iron and and stuff.

Factorio day 2

My teamates and I had trouble looking for stuff and keep getting killed but we then chose to make stuff to get things like coal, iron, copper, wood to make s


The point of the class was to use the simualtion and play by its rules. My partner was Alex and as a team we both helped with looking up new stuff like how to use iron, copper, etc.


My code was suppose to tell a the date and room number for each day. The code was unfinshed but it works.

Augmenting Reality and Robotic Surgery

This computer program makes a world which looks real.


The program languge I used for my spaceship was javascript. It shows a spaceship.The program is using shapes like a rectangle and ellipse to make a spaceship. The main problem was I was kind of restricted in the shapes I was given. A solution was to use rectangles and make them different lengths and widths. Another problem was the

Directing a robot through mazes

The app programe ending up doing a 360 on the maze.


The program I was making was a person (MegaMan X) moving towards a place

Global History

The program will give random global history facts after 1750 and before the 90's. It will show a important figure saying a fact that happened during the period.